Km13 – certificated
We are a working group environment friendly and aware that our consumer choices can influence the planet’s ecology. Some of us have contributed to the birth and diffusion of organic farming in our Region. We believe that ORGANIC farming should be the only method to produce food in respect of natural equilibriums and people’s health.
All the products we use to cook are certified organic by ICEA
and come mainly from local or regional producers. Our major suppliers are:
- Azienda Agricola La Ronza, Ozzano dell’Emilia, vegetables, fruit, legumes, flour, wine, vinegar, aromatic and wild herbs;
- Azienda vitivinicola Zuffa di Imola, red and white wine
- Azienda Casumaro, Solara (MO), cheese, yoghurt and butter
- Azienda Agricola Cerutti, Burana (FE), flour and eggs
- Azienda Rocca dei Fiori, Lizzano in Belvedere (BO), dry aromatic herbs, spices, liquors
- Azienda Agricola Punto Verde, Savignano sul Panaro (MO), marmelades and fruit juices
- Oleificio Vasconi, Rimini, extravergin olive oil
- Birrificio Vecchia Orsa, San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO), beer
Organic farming is a production method that integrates various aspects, equally important:
- prevents excessive exploitation of natural resosurces like soil, water and energy
- maintains and improves soil’s fertility
- does not use chemical fertilizers, insecticides or pesticides in general
- favours conservation and restoration of natural habitats and biodiversity
- poses maximum attention to the health of animals and plants
- forbids the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) while recovering ancient varities of plants and animal races