We offer to our guests a wide choice of vegetarian and vegan dishes, with diverse colours and flavours, embracing local and international traditions, often mixing them up to create new combinations, cultural contaminations and fusions. We do not use frozen food, but only fresh, organic and possibly local raw materials, with just a few exceptions for some imported fair trade products. Recipes change every day, favouring variety and seasonal products, to guarantee always feshness and maximum nutritional contents of the food that people eat at our restaurant.
We prefer not proposing dishes with meat because:
- to produce meat we use more soil, energy, and water than to cultivate plants;
- one third of cultivated lands are used to produce food to nourish animals rather than people;
- animal breeding, especially on industrial scale, contributes to increasing the “greenhouse effect”.
We have chosen to offer vegetarian dishes:
- to interpret an idea of eating different from the typical food tradition of Bologna;
- because plants offer a more wide biodiversity base that gives us an enormous potential to vary colors and flavors;
- because a diet which favours fruit, vegetables, integral cereals and legumes is more adapt to keep us healthy and strengthen our immune system, preventing disease and obesity.